Welcome to the
official website for the
'Old Haltonians'

The Royal Air Force Apprentices' Association (RAFHAA), the Old Haltonians, was formed in 1980 to meet the need for a point of focus for all those young persons who as 'Trenchard Brats' went through the 'Halton Grinder' and emerged at the other end as fully-fledged tradesmen to support the needs of the RAF...
If you were a 'Trenchard Brat' and not already a member, why not join this elite group; we have regular reunions involving hundreds of your ex-colleagues. Every November we organise the annual Apprentices Service of Remembrance at the Halton Tribute. We also have our own garden of remembrance at the National Memorial Arboretum. The arranging of individual and entry visits to Halton House, The Trenchard Museum and the Apprentice Archives are other services provided to members of the Association.
An introduction to the Association
by our Patron, Air Marshal Sir Dusty Miller
The Association magazine, 'The Haltonian', is published twice yearly and additional Newsletters are electronically mailed out four or five times a year. These publications are free to members and assist in keeping us all in touch.
The Royal Air Force Halton Apprentices' Association is a registered charity (No 292523) and operates within the rules of the Charity Commission.​

As a member you will have access to the Association membership database (subject to GDPR restrictions) which may well be able to assist you in renewing your friendships with past colleagues of your entry or your time at Halton.
Need more information, contact the General Secretary by email to secretary@rafhaa.co.uk
The Chairman advises:
Over the years, some members have made bequests to our Association in their wills in preparation for their final postings. Recently, a member asked if we still accepted bequests or legacies and how he should proceed if he wished to make such an arrangement.
Of course, it is vital that advice is taken from a qualified lawyer; but dealing with these matters is not expensive and gives one peace of mind. Our Association details are provided on the rear page of the Haltonian and are sufficient for most lawyer's needs.
We all owe a debt of gratitude for the apprentice training we received at Halton. It is not just about the quality and depth of professional training but the development of personal qualities and friendships that have shaped the whole of our lives.
Halton made us the people we are today. Your Association is determined that the role of ex Halton apprentices in the military history of our great nation is recognised by future generations

Our Heritage plans are extensive and likely costly. You can help us achieve lasting recognition for ex-Halton brats by making a gift to RAFHAA in your will. Once you have catered for your loved ones, a generous bequest would help us achieve our Heritage plans.
Your help would be gratefully received. Thank you.


The official contact address for the RAFHAA is as follows:
Royal Air Force HAA
1, Pipit Gardens
Bucks HP19 0GF