In 1997 the then RAF C of E Padre at St Georges Church, the Rev Richard Lee, suggested that the Association encourage its members to install stained glass windows in the church to commemorate their time at Halton. The membership was immediately enamoured of this idea and soon windows, depicting Entry numbers, Wing colours, Entry badges, famous (and infamous!) Entry activities and a host of other events were appearing in glorious coloured glass: each telling something of its creator's time at Halton. For example the 2nd Entry shows the tunic and puttees that the early apprentices wore and one of the aircraft types that was in service in 1922. The 76th shows badges of the Commonwealth Air Forces who sent boys to be trained with the Entry and includes a Russian Tank commemorating the Soviet invasion of Hungary which took place during their apprenticeship. The 62nd Entry window depicts the Tornado which swept across the camp during their time at Halton causing much damage to the workshops.
So far the main response has been from the Aircraft Apprentices and the call goes out to the "young-uns" from the Technician, Aircraft Engineering, Craft, Admin. and Mechanic Entries to get cracking and to produce their stories for posterity. Remember, as a Brat, you too were graduates of the world's first and best formal aircraft engineering college.
For details of how to go about producing a window contact the HAAA office or perhaps call directly to a stained glass artist; a move strongly recommended by the Association. The contact details are:
Karen Newby, tel. 01452 859272.
The windows are split between two locations within the Church each location presenting a splendid sight. The main gallery being set above the entrance to the church whilst others are shown set into the wall of the Lady Chapel. However, given the scope and range of the designs it can be difficult to absorb the beauty and detail of what is on show regardless of how much time may be spent in the church. It is therefore proper that much gratitude is given to Dave Howell of the 75th Entry for his generosity in allowing his splendid selection of pictures of the individual windows to be reproduced here. The pictures are presented in two sections. Firstly are shown those in the Main Gallery with the second section showing those displayed in the Lady Chapel. Where available notes and a description of each is provided. (If you have a missing description for your entry window that fills a gap then this will be gratefully received and added).
The windows in the Main Gallery:
Lord Trenchard
RFC and RNAS: Boy Mechanics The window celebrates the Boy Mechanics scheme which was hastily set up in 1917 to guarantee a steady supply of skilled ground crew for the RFC and RNAS. The design bears testament to the minimal planning for the scheme's start-up and the woeful lack of provision of adequate welfare for the boys. The boys are shown in their khaki trousers and grey shirts standing in front of the primitive Bell-Tent accommodation and the wooden ablutions and toilet huts which supplied little or no hot water. Overhead is the iconic Sopwith Camel which was in service at that time. Displayed are the crests and badges of the RFC, the RNAS and the newly formed RAF which came into being during the time of the scheme. With the introduction of the Apprentice scheme in 1920, the Boy Mechanics' training stopped.
1st to the 19th Entries:
As there were few known survivors of entries 1 to 19 when the window project was conceived, the HAAA Council decided to fund and produce a window on their behalf. The simple design shows the Tribute, the RAF hat badge and the red and blue hatbands worn by No 1 Section and No 2 Section respectively. (Later re-named Wings). Owing to the very poor accommodation at Halton in 1920 at the start of the RAF apprentice scheme, the first four entries were trained at Cranwell. The 8th entry was also trained at Cranwell. The 10th entry started training at Cranwell, but returned to Halton to complete it. Hence the mention of Cranwell in the window.
2nd Entry:
The design of this window was suggested by the late Arther Ruffell who was the last known survivor of the 2nd Halton entry. He also paid for the production.
The Aircraft is a "HAWKER HORSLEY TORPEDO BOMBER" which he flew as a Sergeant Pilot. The two figures represent his entry collegues; one in his "best blue" outside a Barrack Block and the other in his Overalls outside Workshops.
The bottom Panel is his Flight on parade.
6th to the 12th Entries:
The Apprentice schemes at Halton and Cranwell were merged in 1925 resulting in a renumbering of the Halton Entries. The 6th became the 12th.
The window displays the school badge and an aircraft - a Bristol Fighter - on which many of the entry worked and some flew. Shown beneath the banner proclaiming the change of entry number is the Apprentice Wheel; dates of the Entry at Halton and a representation of an apprentice of the period.
8th Entry:
The window is the result of a campaign run and managed by the 86th Entry as a personal memorial to Sir Frank Whittle and his iconic invention, the Entry number only being included to identify the Entry with which Sir Frank passed through Halton.
An appeal was launched to attract funding and the response, from Entries, individuals, corporate bodies, and commercial interests such as Rolls Royce and others, both large and small, was truly astonishing.
The centrepiece of the window depicts the Apprentice Wheel superimposed on the front of the forward fan of the RR RB211. Below is a silhouette of the Gloster E28/39 which was powered by Whittle's first prototype jet engine whilst above is shown a RR-powered Airbus A340 airliner thereby illustrating the scope of development from his original design.
Following the window installation, the small surplus in the fund was donated to the "Musicians Window" Appeal.
11th Entry:
The Widow of one of the Entry paid for this window, as a gift to her husbands memory, showing the actual "HAWKER HART" her husband flew over the "Khyber Pass" and his Pilot Wings.
18th Entry:
20th Entry: This window was the second to be installed and was designed by Gp Capt King of the 20th Entry. Predominently shown is the Apprentice Wheel; the colours of No. 1 Wing and, beneath, the RAF Roundel. Gp Capt King died shortly after its installation.
21st Entry: Designed by one of the last surviving members of the entry this window depicts, in the bottom panel, the famous airship R101 which flew over Halton whilst the 21st were here. The panel above shows an aircraft carrier in memory of those members who went down with HMS Glorious in 1940 whilst displayed in the top half of the window are aircraft of WW2 on which many of the entry worked and many others flew and lost their lives. Included in the design is a Searchlight projecting the Entry number and a banner showing the dates the entry were "in residence" at Halton.
22nd Entry:
The window is dedicated to the large number of the 22nd who gave their lives in WW2. It shows a cap with a red hatband as the Entry were accommodated in Henderson Barracks, aka. No 1 Wing.
23rd Entry:
The 23rd psalm was the inspiration for this window.
24th Entry:
The window consists of two main devices: The Apprentice Wheel and Air Commodore Bonham-Carter, the school commandant during the years the 24th were at Halton, was often seen riding around the station on a white horse.
25th Entry:
The window records that the 25th worked on and some flew the Wapiti aircraft shown in the window. The two hands cradling the aircraft represent the care shown to aircraft in their charge by the brats of the 25th Entry.
From the base of the window rises a runway which symbolizes the path from arrival at Halton to graduation. Either side of the runway the words 'fitter' and 'rigger' to signify that their training started in two trades but were amalgamated in 1932 into a new trade of 'fitter 11' which is displayed on the scroll beneath the Entry number.
At the bottom of the window is shown the dates encompassing the period the Entry were at Halton.
26th Entry:
The window commemorates the Entry being present at the take-off of the De Havilland COMET crewed by SCOTT and BLACK when it won the 1934 UK to AUSTRALIA Air Race.
The scroll with Motto "TWO SIX UP" is a play on the Entry number and the RAF call for extra effort when pulling or lifting. An Apprentice from each Wing is shown supporting the scroll and crest.
27th Entry: The window celebrates the aircraft worked upon and some of the tasks carried out by the entry at that period. The aircraft shown in the centre panel are an AVRO 504K and a Bristol Bulldog whilst the lower panel depicts apprentices working on the Rolls Royce KESTREL Engine.
28th Entry:
The Avro 504N featured in this window was worked on and flown by many in the 28th Entry after graduation. The school badge and the RAF Halton badge also appear along with the Entry number and the dates the entry were at Halton.
29th Entry:
In the top panel of the window are the dates of the entry's time at Halton, 1934-1936. Also shown are the theatrical masks of "Happiness" and "Sorrow" symbolising the association the entry had with the Dramatic Society. The panel also contains references to Baseball which was introduced and played during their time.
In the panel beneath are displayed Two Uniforms; the newly introduced one with collar and tie and ‘glengarry” hat which replaced the ‘dog-collar’ tunic during the period they were at Halton.
The lower half of the window shows the Entry number 29 with the “2" in red to denote 2 Wing and the "9” in green indicating 1 Wing. Beneath the numbers are shown Two aircraft tail units; a reminder of their third year when they marched to the aerodrome to have a first flight as passengers in either the Avro Tutor (on left) or Avro 504 (on right).
30th Entry:
The 30th Entry served under three monarchs, George V, Edward VIII and George VI, and this is depicted as the main feature in the centre of the window. The 30mph speed limit was introduced during their time at Halton and the Road Sign was adopted as the Entry logo and is shown at the top.
The Green, Red and Yellow borders represent the colours of Nos. 1, 2 and 4 wings with the overall blue background representing their Cranwell colleagues.
31st Entry:
The window commemorates that the 31st took part in the celebrations of the Silver Jubilee of King George V and Queen Mary in 1937. Apprentices of the Entry are shown standing around the fire and fireworks display at the top of Bacombe Hill, Wendover, on the evening of the celebration.
At the top of he window a Handley Page Heyford is shown, an aircraft type which many of the Entry serviced and flew.
32nd Entry: The four corners illustrate the Rose of England and the beech trees of Halton. From the top of the window to the bottom is shown the King’s Crown for George V, Edward VIII and George VI, The RAF Eagle, the Entry dates and number, the apprentice wheel on a laurel wreath and banners showing the trades, the two wings and the apprentices unwritten code, “Honour”.
33rd Entry:
Across the top a Harp representing the largest apprentice band with 110 musicians; the orange hat band of No.4 wing upon which a Coronet is shown for their Earl; the rings for their Air Vice Marshal. Across the bottom is shown ammunition for the Armourers; the chequered hat band for No.3 Wing; a Crown on a black square for the last entry to witness a Drumming Out and Public Flogging Ceremony.
Each side of the window are beech leaves and primroses recalling the cross-country runs. The central panel depicts beneath the Apprentice Wheel an opaque white barrack square as the 33rd was the only Entry whose Passing Out Parade was cancelled because of snow. Beneath are shown figures depicting the last Entry to wear Pantaloons and dog collar tunics.
34th Entry:
At the centre of the window is the Apprentice Wheel badge within which the numbers 3 and 4 denote not only the entry number but also individually represent the two Apprentice Wings in which the entry was housed during its time at RAF Halton. On a scroll beneath the Wheel are the years spent at Halton (1936-39) whilst below are two ribbons in the colours of 3 and 4 Wings - Blue/Maroon and Orange/Yellow respectively.
The entry wheel is surmounted by the crown of King Edward VIII under whose short reign the entry members took their oath of allegiance.
35th Entry:
This window is steeped in symbolism. The broken wheel and damaged wall symbolize the start of war during the time the 35th were at Halton. Through the tree of knowledge they grew out of the destruction of war to peace as represented by the dove of peace.
36th Entry:
The simple but effective design is a celebration of the various capbands of the five Wings of this large Entry who were dispersed between Halton and Cosford between August 1937 to December 1939.
In the centre of the window, the Apprentice Wheel surrounded by panels of plain Green and plain Red for No.1 and 2 Wings, Halton, respectively; Red/Green for No.5 Wing Halton which became No.1 Wing Cosford and Black/Green depicting No.2 Wing Cosford.
37th Entry:
The central upper panel features the RAF crest, an albatross fess-wise on a circlet carrying the RAF motto “Per Ardua ad Astra” (Through difficulties to the stars) surmounted with the Tudor Crown of King George VI, reigning monarch during the period of the 37th apprenticeship.
The lower central panel carries a contrived emblem for the 37th Entry. A RAF Apprentice Badge with the upper and left portions of the circlet between the propeller blades removed, set on a half RAF roundel. Between the lower and right hand propeller blades the 37th is inserted. Below the emblem the dates pertaining to their time as apprentices; from attestation in January 1938 to graduation in March 1940.
The peripheral panels at the top and both sides show the colours of the five Apprentice Wings when they joined.
The bottom panel carries the inscription “We came as boys and we left as men, and we left we went to war”
38th Entry: Of the 1300 boys in the 38th Entry who arrived at Halton in August 1938, several hundred were transferred to Cosford and Cranwell. However, on the outbreak of WW2 those at Cosford returned to Halton. Hence the Cranwell and Cosford hatband colours. The 38th served the shortest apprenticeship in the history of the school being dispersed to operational stations in April 1940 after only 20 months of training in time to take part in the Battle of Britain.
39th Entry:
The anchors signify that some of the 39th Entry were transferred to the Fleet Air Arm (whether they liked it or not!). Some were transferred to Cosford hence the Cosford colours. Also shown are some of the tools the 39th used during their training.
40th Entry:
This window is not in the main gallery and can be found in the normal windows on the right hand side of the church.
The wheel is the main feature. Also depicted are the beech trees of Halton, the 40th logo, the anchor (representing Naval apprentices who trained with the entry) and the wing colours.
The 40th was the largest entry to be trained at Halton being over 1200 strong.
41st Entry:
42nd Entry:
Designed jointly by Peter Beckett (in Australia) and John Cook (in England) with input from former members of the Entry the main elements of the Window are the Apprentice Wheel (displaying the Entry Number and dates) surmounted by the eagle motif. Beneath the centre a diamond shape enclosing a set square, a micrometer and a scroll bearing the lettering "PRECISION" symbolises both the accurate workmanship and the great accuracy in the execution in all activities demanded of aircraft apprentices during their training and, lastly at the bottom is shown beech trees and falling leaves depicting the beauty of the Chiltern Hills.
43rd Entry:
44th Entry:
45th Entry:
46th Entry:
47th Entry:
The 47th was the first entry to return to a three year apprenticeship after the two year courses held in the early part of the war. They enlisted in war and passed out in peacetime, hence the war and peace theme of this window.
The white ribbons relate to the time when shortly after their arrival at Halton they were evacuated to Cosford like a lot of schoolchildren. On the journey to the midlands the train's complete ration of toilet paper was festooned from every carriage window; the Great Western Railway Company were non-too happy!
During the entry's tenure after their return to Halton nightly raids by Lancasters against Germany were the norm. The Lancaster depicts this and is also a tribute to the many former brats killed on operations in this aircraft.
At the bottom is shown the Dove of peace which had returned by the time of the Entry's pass out.
48th Entry:
The Cranwell apprentices of the 48th are also represented in this window with Wing and Squadron colours taking centre stage. During their apprenticeship the 48th saw D-Day in June 1944; VE-Day in May 1945 and VJ-Day in August 1945.
The cypher in the centre of the window is a reflection of another event in 1945 when Lord Trenchard the founder of the school took the salute at the Silver Jubilee of his RAF Apprentice Scheme. In his speech he made reference to the Halton spirit. The 48th referred to this at their Xmas dinner that year when they had bottles on the table labeled 'Halton spirit'; a cynical reference to the fact that as apprentices they were forbidden to drink alcohol.
50th Entry:
Designed by Don Alexander of the 50th, the window depicts the different cap bands worn by the entry during their 3 years at RAF Halton. Brown, Brown and Orange as D Sqn 1(A) Wing; Blue as A Sqn 2(A) Wing and Orange as A Sqn 3(A) Wing. The Red disc behind the Cap Badge was worn as A Sqn 3 Wing.
The other major feature is the representation of the War Medal given the 50th Entry were the last Entry to qualify for this award without the accompaniment of the Defence Medal.
51st Entry:
52nd Entry:
53rd Entry:
At the top is displayed a panel containing the Apprentice Wheel superimposed upon a fall of snowflakes. This depicts the great winter freeze of 1947 when all Apprentices were sent home for 3 weeks. To the right a panel displays the Olympic Rings, a reminder of the first post-war Olympics to be held in nearby London; a most memorable and significant event that occurred during the Entry's time at Halton.
In the centre is shown the Entry number whilst along the bottom is recorded the years the entry were "in residence".
54th Entry:
At the corners are shown the Rose; the Thistle; the Shamrock and the Daffodil, to reflect the Entry comprised of members from all UK areas. At the top is shown a Spitfire and a Meteor depicting the progression from Piston to Jet Power during the Entry's time in training. At the bottom, a commemoration of the 54th having the first Flight Sergeant Apprentice.
In the centre an illustration of the "Feure de Jollie" when the Entry fired off blanks on marching off their passing out parade; an event not appreciated by the high-ranking US Army officers present. (Retribution was exacted - Detention, etc.)
55th Entry:
An outer Yellow border signifies their parent 3(A) Wing enclosing a border of alternate Red and Blue to recognise both Nos. 1(A) and 2(A) Wings respectively.
At the top, the Apprentice Wheel and the Entry number whilst the central panel displays Daffodils amongst the snow; a reminder of both the terrible winter of 1947 and the re-birth of No.3(A) Wing.
The lower panel is quartered and shows, Clockwise from the Top LH segment, a set of bagpipes, a reference to the Entry's strong membership of the Pipe Band; crossed screwdriver and spanner - tools used by all trades - to refer to the Technical Training received; Sports Kit highlights the Entry's involvement in sporting activities; an open book indicates the academic achievement.
Finally at the very bottom, a White Bar pays tribute to the many hours devoted by the Entry to being confined to camp and the wearing of the White "Jankers Band"; a way of life for many!
56th Entry: At top and bottom are horizontal bands showing the colours of the Wings and Squadrons occupied by the 56th whose number is prominently displayed in the window's centre. However the central theme is a celebration of the hugely successful careers of two members of the 56th one of whom became an Air Chief Marshal and the other an Air Marshal. They were both Knighted and their respective pennants are shown alongside the dates of the entry's stay at RAF Halton.
57th Entry:
The window is predominately blue as the entry was formed in No 2 Wing at the outset of their careers with the Albatross featured at the top as the emblem of the regular air force to be worn by airmen as a shoulder flash and Air Marshals on their cap badge; it was recognised that at least the shoulder flash was attainable.
The entry number '57' was produced to replicate the number on a Heinz Baked Bean can as ‘Heinz 57 Varieties’ was a product range enjoying great popularity at the time of our incarceration. The beans were a product with which they were often associated in one way or another! The circle surrounding the number reflects the three colours of the apprentice wings to which members of the entry were assigned when the wings were re-organised according to trade.
The Air Officer’s hat without ‘scrambled egg’, the cane and the date, 1st August 1950 remembers their passing out parade which was also the last parade at Halton that Marshal of the Royal Air Force The Lord Trenchard officiated as the reviewing officer. Inclusion of these identifying features of the great man in the window are prompted by their sense of pride and priviledge.
At the bottom, the Apprentice Wheel to highlight the great significance and importance of this symbol of excellence.
58th Entry:
A King's Crown to signify the reign of George VI on enlistment and a beret indicates the 58th were the first Entry to be issued with this headwear on their initial kitting out. The Apprentice Wheel is shown as the badge of the unique bond of Aircraft Apprentices. The inverted rank chevron denotes the Entry had the distinction of being the first to Pass Out under the "new" 1951 trade structure and were thus amongst the first Junior Technicians in the Royal Air Force.
The three Sixpences add up to one shilling and sixpence (7.5 new pence) of the pre-decimal coinage and represents the daily rate of pay on enlistment. The dates shown on the coins are the three years during which the Entry underwent training, although it is acknowledged that the Cranwell element of the Entry did not Pass-Out until February 1951.
59th Entry:
60th Entry:
The theme of the window is taken from the motto,"THREE WINGS ONE ENTRY". As a central motif a representation of the Entry's Final Schools March up Leading Banner set in a sky blue backround and surmounted by an Eagle and Kings Crown. In the top quarter is the Apprentice Wheel with dates 1948-1951 in a scroll. In the bottom quarter are three "Wing" emblems coloured Red, Blue,and Yellow denoting the three Apprentice Wings.
The whole is surrounded with a Band of Gold to note the Fiftieth Anniversary of the joining date which coincided with the date of the Window's dedication.
61st Entry:
This window was designed by John Jinman of 61st Entry to celebrate the 50th anniversary of entry into the Royal Air Force Apprenticeship Scheme in 1999.
At this time, modern stained glass was becoming a major feature in architectural design, including contemporary church buildings. The entrance through St George's Church east window wall provided an ideal setting for a modern design.
The window includes the three wing colours of red, blue and yellow, together with a band of white to denote the cadetship to the Royal Air Force College Cranwell. A band across the centre shows the eagle crest supported by the 61st entry dates all above the apprentice wheel.
62nd Entry:
At the centre a stylised 3-coloured whirlwind marks an occurance during the entry's time at Halton; Red, Blue and Yellow denoting the three wings. The debris on either side of Beech and Chestnut leaves are important symbols of Halton. The bottom of the window in Green depicts the rawness of the new recruits on joining in 1949 whilst the top in Blue represents 'The Wild Blue Yonder' to which all aspired along with a high degree of professionalism on graduation in 1952. The Canberra and Vulcan are displayed as their respective first flights not only mirrored the date span of the entry but subsequently most of the graduates would be associated with these types.
63rd Entry:
In October 1997, The Rev Richard Lee said to Min Larkin 'why don't your lot (meaning Old Haltonians) do something about the lavatorial windows at the back of the church, such as putting in Entry stained glass windows'. 'I'll give it a try and see how it goes', said Min. Thus the first window to be fitted was that of the Royal 63rd Entry. The rest is history as they say.
The design and installation was by Mike Hines and shows the Queen's Crown and the Entry number within the Apprentice Wheel commemorating it was the 63rd Entry that received the Queen's Colour for No.1 S of TT from Her Majesty and who provided the Escort Squadron. In recognition of this honour the 63rd were henceforth known as the "Royal 63rd".
64th Entry:
The central feature of this window is the tornado which caused such damage to RAF Halton in 1951. It is shown swirling around two buttons; one with the King's Crown indicating they swore allegiance to King George VI on enlistment and the other with the Queen's Crown indicating they completed their apprenticeships under HM Queen Elizabeth II.
At the bottom of the window is shown the Apprentice Wheel surmounted by the union flag and the Pakistani flag depicting that the Entry had apprentices from both countries.
65th Entry:
Predominent is a flag, with the three wing colours of RED, BLUE and YELLOW, flying at half mast reflecting the nation in Court-Mourning following the death of Queen Mary 3 days before the Entry was due to pass out. The black draped drums at the bottom symbolising the Passing-out Parade on March 27th 1953 to the somber beat of the drum only: No other music permitted.
The open book at the top reflects the "Quinton Memorial Trophy" awarded for the first time to the highest placed ex-ATC Cadet and won by F/Sgt. Garlick.
66th Entry:
The RAF Shoulder flash in Gold is shown atop the Apprentice Wheel with, beneath, the Entry number in Green reflecting the School Sports colours of the time. Below, an inverted three-coloured delta culminating into the RAF Roundel indicating that Apprentices were at the heart of the Royal Air Force.
At the bottom of the window, a scroll showing the Entry dates and the motto "Honors Honos Habet Onus" translating as "The greatest honours deserve service", a reference to the occasion when during their time at Halton the Queen presented her Colour to the school and on whose behalf it was received by the 63rd.
67th Entry: At the top the Union flag and Pakistan flag recognises members of the Entry came from both countries. A three-coloured arch reflecting the colours of the 3 Wings envelopes the crowns of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II, the succession of the latter to the throne occuring during the 67th's time at Halton. The Eagle and the Apprentice Wheel shown as devices proudly worn on the uniform. At the bottom of the window the Biblical quotation from Isaiah 40, verse 31, "They shall mount up with wings as eagles".
68th Entry:
Designed by Ray “Whitey” Hart and Paddy Kidney, the 68th window was produced using a 17th century process requiring great skill and patience. It shows the Apprentice wheel, the dates the Entry were at Halton, RAF Roundels and the RAF Eagle, and the Wing hatband colours of 1,2 and 3 Wings. The Entry Motto “DUM SPERO SPIRO”is shown which translates as “While I breathe I hope”. This was featured on the Entry blazer badge with was designed by Ossy Osmond, who later became famous as the founder member of the Barron Knights pop group.
The flags of New Zealand, Ceylon and Pakistan Old Commonwealth countries who sent boys to be trained with the 68th are shown, as well as the flags of Scotland and Ireland to represent boys from Great Britain. As the 68th enlisted under King George VI, a King's Crown is shown at the top of the window.
69th Entry:
70th Entry:
Designed by N. De Betts Green the 70th entry, cast in stone, indicates infinite endurance.
As the last entry to swear to King George V1, in 1952, the King’s Crown is flanked by GVIR and EIIR.
A stylised version of the crest of No. 1 School Technical Training a symbolic Beech tree shades the stone engraved on which is the motto ‘Crescentes Discimus’ - As We Grow, We Learn. The number 70 is engraved with those Commonwealth Nations that make up the entry.
Light and knowledge radiates from the wheel badge – a signal feature of the Halton Apprentice uniform. The hat, with blue band, indicates that the 70th entry served in 2 wing.
71st Entry:
The window design was based upon a number of ideas submitted to the window artist Michelle Mayes who provided the final, approved layout. Around the perimeter is a border of Red relating to the colour of No. 1 Wing. In the centre is the Entry Badge with the motto, “Finis Coronat Opus” – “The end crowns the effort”.
Above the badge a red panel is shown containing the Entry number in Roman numerals “LXXI” whilst below another Red panel showing the dates “1952 – 1955”; 71's time at Halton. As a unique feature each of the Red panels has sixpenny pieces inset at each corner; those on the left hand side are dated 1952 with those on the right dated 1955.
72nd Entry: The design of the window is based around the Entry badge of a winged mailed-fist holding aloft a sword. Above this central feature is a Roundel representing the RAF whilst beneath, the Apprentice Wheel. The Entry number is shown in Yellow to denote the colour of 3 Wing. At the bottom of the window is an illustration of Mt. Everest which was conquered by Sir Edmund Hillary, Sherpa Tenzing and John Hunt during the period of the 72nd Entry's time at Halton.
73rd Entry:
The depiction of the Pegasus represents the motive that forms part of the entry badge. Surrounding the wheel badge are noted the names of the Commonwealth countries whose apprentices were represented in the entry. The Hunter aircraft was the new aircraft type that had been introduced into service during the entry’s time at Halton.
The dark and light blue panels represent the change of hat band colour that took place after the entry’s first term at Halton.
74th Entry:
The window depicts the Crown surmounting the acclamation “Coronation Entry 1953 – 1956”* above the Entry badge which shows the three Wing colours (The 74th was the Senior Entry when all the entries were distributed around the 3 wings).
The Apprentice Wheel, which will always be the true “Trademark” of Halton Apprentices, is shown in the lower quarter, the whole is set on a light and dark blue background representing day and night, with stars set in the night sky.
* The 74th Entry started it’s training in the summer term of 1953, on April 28, in No 1 Wing, and was proud to be on parade, at Halton, on the 2nd of June, the day of the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second.
75th Entry:
This is the second window to be installed in this position by the largest post war Entry and shows a rampant Griffon with the single word ‘INDESTRUCTIBLE’ intimating the indomitable Apprentice spirit.
The surrounding images depict the final training by AIRFRAME, ENGINE, ELECTRICAL/INSTRUMENT and ARMOURER trades on the D.H. Mosquito, powered by the ubiquitous R.R. Merlin and constructed primarily from wood and metal, thought by many to be the pinnacle of piston engine flight.
Soon after graduation many apprentices were to realise that the RAF was in fact truly established in the modern jet age.
76th Entry:
Around the periphery, panels of the three wing colours with, at the top, cap badges of the Royal Air Force, Royal Ceylon Air Force and the Royal Rhodesian Air Force to reflect the air forces represented in the entry. The Entry badge at centre of an eagle above the globe with the motto "The World At Our Feet" reflects the sentiment at pass-out.
The three circular images at the bottom show an Aylesbury Duck representing the Freedom of Aylesbury parade of April 1956 on which the 76th were the senior entry present; a T34 Tank over a broken Hungarian flag for the supressed uprising of October 1956; the date period of the 76th at Halton, Jan 54 to Dec 56.
77th Entry:
The 77th Entry window was initiated and designed by the late Roger Matthews who counted Heraldry amongst his hobbies. With respect to his qualified interest the heraldic blazon reads as follows:
“Argent a Beech tree eradicated proper bebruised in fess by the badge of the 77th Entry, Royal Air Force Halton Apprentices without scrolls or ribbons and in base by an apprentice wheel also proper in deter base the number 1954 and in sinister base the number 1957 sable.”
A translation to simplified English is:
“The traditional style is based on our entry badge and the allusion is that of a fruit of a Halton Beech”. The tree incorporates the Entry number; the Apprentice Wheel and the dates the Entry were in training at RAF Halton.
78th Entry:
79th Entry:
80th Entry:
The window is made up of 3 vertical gothic bars representing the 3 wing colours upon which is shown the Apprentice Wheel containing the entry number. Surrounding the Wheel are two scrolls the upper with the motto translating as "United We Are Victorious" and the lower showing the dates of the Entry.
Aircraft markings for the mid-fifties are shown for each of the countries represented in the entry with the RAF at centre top; Royal New Zealand Air Force to the left and the Southern Rhodesian Air Force to the right. The Ceylonese Air Force insignia is lower left and the Burmese Air Force to the right.
81st Entry:
The window shows at the top a Hawker Hunter, the RAF’s main strike fighter in those days and a type upon which the entry trained during the airfield phase of their apprenticeship. Beneath are shown three coloured rectangles representing the colours of the hatbands of the three wings and the circles the wheel disks worn on their arms indicating the squadrons to which they belonged.
The motto “Vestigia nulla Restrorsum” is taken from the entry badge and translates as “Never a Step Backwards".
82nd Entry:
The 82nd's window was designed, manufactured and installed by Graham Brant. The design represents an Apprentice of the late 'Fifties' in an 'at ease' posture (some say remarkably like "Trog Harvey"). There was no pretence to represent any particular trade or event that occurred during their time at Halton, more a fond appreciation of all that the experience of Halton taught and represented to the Entry. The window was dedicated on 17th December 1998, the 40th anniversary of their graduation, by Chaplain Chris Long.
83rd Entry:
Features of the window are the Entry badge at the top which was designed by Tony Gassner of the Royal Rhodesian Air Force. The motto “We Their Wings” refers to the Apprenticeship given at No1 School of Technical Training which made us highly trained aircraft technicians. Next is an array of Cap Badges depicting the makeup of the 83rd Entry. The main contingent was the Royal Air Force but members also came from the Royal Rhodesian Air Force and the Royal New Zealand Air Force.
Finally there is the feature of the bagpipes. Part of the daily routine at RAF Halton for all “Trenchard Brats” would be to march to the sound of the pipes and drums when going to their training at schools and workshops.
Julie Cuthbert, a stained glass window specialist from Aylesbury was commissioned to make the window using traditional techniques. It is a fitting memorial to the “Trenchard Brats” who were members of the 83rd Entry. The window is located in Bay 99 and was dedicated on Friday March 3oth 2001
84th Entry:
Designed by Ken Rowe the window is based on three vertical bands of Red, White and Blue of the RAF colours.
From the top is shown the eagle, the Entry number and, at the centre, a mailed fist holding a burning torch: heraldic depictions of the mailed fist representing strength and power with the burning torch representing knowledge.
At the bottom of the window is shown the Entry motto "A Challenge to All" together with the Apprentice Wheel.
85th Entry:
86th Entry:
At the top of the window is shown a football because a member of the Entry was the Captain of the Rhodesian football team whilst the depiction of a Comet is a reference to the DH Comet Airliner which flew into the airfield during their time at Halton to be used as a training aircraft.
At the centre is shown the Apprentice Wheel with Wing Colours in three of the quadrants and below is depicted their blazer badge which incorporates on either side wings taken from the Venezuelan cap badge given two apprentices from this country graduated with the Entry as Engine fitters.
The motto, "Niemands uns befehlt" (No-one commands us) is a near-translation of a description of the Entry, famously coined by Gp. Capt. Stockwell, the then Chief "Schoolie", who said,"You are a leaderless rabble".
87th Entry:
The surrounds refer to the Wing colours with, at the centre, the Apprentice Wheel. The converging trees behind the wheel represent Chestnut Avenue drawing attention to a sihouette of Workshops. At the top, a Hawker Hunter symbolising the modern Air Force as the type not only came into service during the decade of the Entry's time at Halton but was utilised as an advanced airframe in systems training in both Workshops and the Airfield.
The logo 8T7 was as painted on the 2 Wing NAAFI roof and subsequently cut out at Ivanhoe Beacon. It has been written as such thereafter.
88th Entry:
89th Entry:
The window reflects the entry make-up of apprentices from four national air forces: Royal Air Force, Royal New Zealand Air Force, Burmese Air Force and the Venezuelan Air Force. Each nation’s identity is illustrated by its geographical map together with national emblems or insignia. Four identically sized panes emanating from a central blue roundel illustrate the combined vision and aspirations of the Entry’s four component nations and united in pursuit of its success and well being.
The central blue roundel represents No 2 Wing, the Entry’s primary and graduation home; it embraces a white field with the Entry badge and the Apprentice Wheel. Two unicorns support the Entry number “89” above the Entry “motto” scroll that denotes the harnessing of the Entry’s strength, pride, selflessness and reward for services to the Halton Apprentice community made largely through its sporting representation and achievements.
90th Entry:
From the top firstly a panel showing the entry number with, beneath, the Mighty Vulcan representing the Mighty 90th as classical Cold War Warriors. Below this, two panels side-by-side, one displaying the Tree of Knowledge - the Crest of the RAF’s No 1 School of Technical Training - representing their Technical Excellence whilst alongside, the near-matching Nuclear Explosion reflects the fact that the RAF acquired its first Hydrogen Bomb and the 90th Entry in the same year, thereby increasing the destructive potential of the RAF enormously in two different ways. (Additionally, the tree, from the Garden of Eden, is also the indirect source of original sin, with the 90th creating many additional new sins at Halton!) The mushroom cloud, overwritten with the acronym KITDAFOHS was the unofficial motto of the vast majority of technical personnel in the RAF during the Cold War, ergo - being like mushrooms: Kept In The Dark And Fed On Horse Manure. (well, almost!).
91st Entry:
The window was designed by Henry Ooi Swee Hin of the Malaysan Air Force and shows at the top the entry number beneath which is, prominently displayed, the Entry badge.
Below the badge are four triangles radiating out from the Apprentice wheel each one showing the countries that provided the members of the Entry. The entry was proud to play host to representatives of the Malaysian, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and Venezuelan Air Forces within its ranks, many of whom are still in touch with their comrades.
Along the bottom edge of the window are shown the dates the entry served at Halton.
92nd Entry: Central, the 92nd's insignia, inset within the Apprentice Wheel, an Eagle and the dates of their time at Halton. The shield is shown in three colours reflecting the period of division when they were billeted across all three wings. The Laurel leaves represents their achievements in Workshops, Schools and Sport with the motto "Manu et Scientifica" translating as "With Skill and Knowledge". At the bottom a scene of the Chiltern Hills with its Beech woods whilst toward the top of the window a sunset turning to a night sky complete with the Plough and Pole Star representing a guide or aiming point for the future.
93rd Entry:
At the top of the Window, a panel displaying the Entry Badge with on each side the years of training at Halton. Below is shown a flight of Lightnings climbing and dividing the panel with a blazing sun in the top LH corner and a Dark Cloud in the lower right denoting the introduction of the type into service during the period and reminding us that the summer of 1959 was a "scorcher" whilst the winter of 1962 was on record as one of the coldest.
In the lower half of the window is seen the Entry number with below a panel displaying a Vulcan as the epitomy of excellence together with the entry motto of “Optimus Quisque” (Everyone the Best), a connection and an expression of the pride with which the entry regarded itself.
94th Entry:
The Window, developed from a sketch by Alf Banyard celebrates the 94th as being the first entry to be inducted at RAF Cardington, as denoted by the pictures at the bottom of the Airship Hangars. Shown above the hangars are different pictures - a Fmk1 Hunter; hand tools; an Aden Cannon Shell and the Workshops test piece - all items representative of the the time spent in Workshops. The entry was also the first to spend the whole of its first year in 3 Wing as a complete entry with the following two years as part of 1 Wing; represented by the blue inverted chevron above two service caps with the respective Yellow and Red Cap Bands.
In the middle of the window is shown the Apprentice Wheel surmounted by the Queen's Crown whilst at the top is a white oval containing the entry number in Roman Numerals with above the entry motto.
95th Entry:
The Window, designed by Alf Banyard, is a simple design symbolising all the pride, history and aspirations of the 95th Entry. Below the crown of Queen Elizabeth II is the Apprentice Wheel containing the entry number and years of training; both symbols on a pale blue background representing the skies to which they aspired (Per Ardua Ad Astra).
The unfurled banner displays the entry motto “Qualitas non Quantitas” (Quality not Quantity) and derives from the 95th being the first small entry with just 120 members. The whole panel is bordered by alternating panels of Yellow and Blue, the colours of No 3A and No 2A Wings resp. applicable to the 95th Entry. Within the folds of the motto banner can be seen a helicopter, a reference to the pre-graduation prank (see the Entry Website for details).
Note: The 95th Entry also donated as a gift to the Church the panel at the very top of the central column of the Window wall. The panel displays a yellow cross sided in red and blue, the three Halton wing colours in the 1960's.
96th Entry:
The date 1940 and Spitfire and Hurricane silhouettes signify the majority of the Entry enlisted exactly 20 years to the day after the Battle of Britain whilst the dates 1960 on a yellow background and 1963 on a red background are the years of enlisting and graduation with the colours representing 3 Wing and 1 Wing.
In the centre the Queen's colour party parading the 1 S of TT royal standard in St.George's at the dedication ceremony in July 1963 (see the 96th Entry Website for more extensive explanation). Below is shown the Entry Badge on one side of which is an antique adjustable wrench representing the skills of our aircraft trades and on the other side an Articulator to reflect the skills of the dental technicians.
At the bottom of the window 4 brass wheels, 3 of which are backed by the Squadron colours of Green, Red and Pale Blue. The other wheel has a purple backing to indicating the Entry famously dosed the fountains in Trafalgar Square with Potassium Permanganate turning the water purple; an act of vandalism blamed on the CND who were holding a ban-the-bomb demo that weekend.
97th Entry:
98th Entry:
A Red Entry number on a Yellow background represents the colours of 1 and 3 Wing respectively where the Entry were located during their time at Halton. Beneath the number is shown the Book of Knowledge referring to the quest for wisdom from the written source.
Below, a panel displaying a Spanner signifying the "hands-on" skills required by Aircraft Engineering tradesmen and in another a Cricket Bat and Ball to represent the sporting prowess that the Entry achieved during their General Service Training. Beneath, a third panel with a Mortarboard to depict the Education component of the Apprenticeship and recognition of the academic awards many of the Entry gained.
99th Entry:
The Entry window depicts as its top rear background the Chiltern Hills. Apart from its technical training, the military aspects of the Entry training included representing the Royal Air Force on ceremonial duties. This extended to route lining in London for the visit of the Greek Royal Family - a contentious and high profile visit represented by the National Flag of Greece.
During its 99th week of training the Entry confirmed the success of resource and initiative training by removing the main large flag poles from Maitland and Henderson Grove Parade Squares together with a smaller set and repositioning them on the crest of the Chilterns with Entry Flags at the apex of the poles. This event is shown at the lower portion of the window design by locally made flags with the Entry Number.
100th Entry:
102nd Entry:
At the top a scroll upon which is the Apprentice Wheel which forms an element of the entry number. A circular panel with the silhouette of an Apprentice and a Gun-carriage is a reminder the Entry helped to line the route of Sir Winston Churchill's Funeral Cortège.
Nelson's Column, Sir Edwin Henry Landseer's Lion and the eruption of foam is an admission that the Entry put teepol (Detergent) in the fountains in Trafalgar Square after their Passing Out.
At the bottom a scroll with the dates of the Entry's time at Halton.
103rd Entry:
Designed by Chris Wales the window shows the period of the Entry atop a Red-backed Wheel commemorating the colour of their Flight for their whole time at Halton. The wheel is carried by an Eagle a reflection of the Shoulder flash with the overall Yellow colour of the window depicting the Hatband colour of 3 Wing.
At the centre, a shield showing in the quadrants the Entry number in Roman numerals and a Cockeral, a reference to the winning of the Cock- of-the-Walk Athletic trophy, the first time it had not been won by the Senior Entry of the Wing. The Blue background to the Cockeral reflects the Hatband colour of 2 Wing.
104th Entry:
Against a background of Orange and Red (relating to the wing colours of 3 and 1 Wing occupied respectively by the 104th) a Gun-Carriage carrying a coffin with, below, two Apprentices shown with rifles at Rest-on-Arms Reverse to mark the day when the 104th provided both the escort to the cortege and lined the route at the funeral of Winston Churchill.
Beneath - in contrast to the solemnity of that occasion - two Sentry Boxes, a reminder of the prank in their 104th week when these boxes were removed behind the backs of sentries on duty at Pirbright Guards' Training Depot and relocated on the Halton Parade Ground!
105th Entry:
The window is framed in a pattern of 2 yellow and 1 red rectangles, representing the two years spent in 3(A) Wing and 1 year in 1(A) Wing – the first time this had happened in our era. In the centre is shown the Entry mascot (known as Joe Bear) with the dates of encompassing the time the Entry was at RAF Halton. Surrounding this are symbols representing events which occurred during the Entry's time at RAF Halton.
At the bottom portraits reminding us of the deaths of Winston Churchill and John F. Kennedy. At the top the Jules Rimet Trophy commemorating England victory in winning the Soccer World Cup which was achieved a few days before our graduation. Also shown, a windsock to signify a prank in their 105th week of training when the windsock was taken from airfields and draped over the entrance of SHQ, at that time under the direct view of the Main Guardroom!
106th Entry:
The window designed by Tony Clarke, Martin Shutler and Arun Desai displays the Gemini Space Capsule in the top panel given the Gemini programme was in full swing during the entry's time at Halton. In the main panel are snow-covered boots shown above a pile of coins. A reference to the prank when the 106th took the boots of a junior entry one winter's night, placed them on the Parade Square where, unfortunately, a snow fall damaged the boots and the Entry was made to pay for the replacements! The coins represents not only the cost of this "deed" but also refers to the 24-hour Charity March they did around the county of Buckinghamshire to raise money for the Spastic Society.
At the bottom the Entry number and a significant statement to remind us that the entry was the last Aircraft Apprentice Entry.
107th Entry:
The window is dominated by the outline of the TSR2 reflecting the requirement for multi-trade technicians to maintain this complex aircraft. The 107th was formed to meet this need. However, the type was cancelled within the first year of the entry formation and the uncertainty surrounding the concept of Aircraft Technicians is reflected by the motto at the base of the window which translates as “First Place or Nothing”.
Yellow and Red backgrounds represent the cap band colours of the Wings [Nos 3(A) and 1(A)] in which the Entry spent time during its training, with the total duration defined by the dates and the 3 stars – one for each year. A formation of Hawker Hunters celebrates the Entry’s first Flight Commander, Flt Lt Roger Hymans; one of the pilots in the famous Black Arrows aerobatic team. The “V-for-Victory Sign” in the lower right portion of the window is a reminder that Sir Winston Churchill died while the 107th Entry was undergoing training in 1965.
109th Entry:
113th Entry:
114th Entry:
The window features the flag of Malaysia, a fifty pence piece and the Entry Crest. The flag recognises that, by far, the two Malaysian members of the Entry were the most academically gifted (one became the Flt Sgt Apprentice); the decimal coin was introduced to replace the Ten Bob note during their time and the crest was included as a reminder of the good times they all had together.
The enigmatic motto "Rhubarb" was chosen for no other reason that nobody in the Entry could think of anything else to say.
124th Entry:
125th Entry:
The window was installed EXACTLY 30 years to the day the 125th started their training and has a Yellow border to reflect the Entry colour as part of 8 Flight. Panels show from top the Entry number alongside a picture of the Whirlwind that was “borrowed” one Saturday evening from the new workshops and parked on the Henderson Groves parade square. In the panel beneath is the entry motto “scene but never herd”, (probably originated from the days when the entry lived in Phantom block). Adjacent is a graphic displaying "ER / 1977", a reference to the memorable day when the entry took part in the Queen’s Silver Jubilee celebrations.
The Third Panel shows "1978 – 1978", the years the 125th were in training at Halton; A Land Rover and trailer to represent the first ever Fireman’s strike when the 125th had to provide fire cover for the entire camp for about a month; The sun, representing that glorious hot summer of 1976, where the training times were switched from 6am to 2pm.
The Last Panel commemorates that the 125th (Class 2) were in 1976 the first entry to undertake the Nijmegen Marches where everyone, despite the heat, completed the march.
126th Entry:
138th Entry:
The Sergeant Drill Instructor shown as the main feature in this window was Mel Neal, a favourite of the 138th. He was with them for 2 of their 3 years training and left a lasting impression in their memories as a strict but fair disciplinarian, who always had their welfare at heart.
The ferry depicts an Entry outing to Calais organised by Sergeant Neal in July 1982, the first trip overseas for some of the Entry. Such an occasion could not pass without the Entry obtaining souvenirs from the places they had visited. Unfortunately, for them, the Tricolour over the city hall in Calais was not a wise choice. After a great day out the Entry had the indignity of being met on their arrival back at Halton by the RAF and Civil police. The result of this confrontation was a clear win for the opposition!
155th Entry:
A simple design by Matthew Gilbank to denote a hugely significant milestone in the history of RAF Halton as the 155th was the last Entry of RAF Apprentices.
Foremost is displayed the "Grim Reaper" with one hand on the Apprentice Wheel whilst in the other a scythe as he comes calling for the last of Trenchard's Brats on the 24th June 1993. The background of Green signifies their Entry Colour whilst beneath the wheel the Latin motto "Extremi Optimorum" translates to "Last of the Best".
202nd Entry:
The window depicts and commemorates the life and times of the 202nd at RAF Halton. On arrival at Halton the entry was accommodated in No. 1 Wing where they were issued with Red hatbands. Prior to passing out with the last Aircraft Apprentice entry, the 106th, the 202nd changed to Blue hatbands but they remained on 1 Wing; both colours being represented in the wheel and the border.
The entry was designated to be trained on the TSR2 but the project was cancelled in April 1965 but the intention is commemorated in the window design.
The three images below the aircraft represent the three trades for which the entry was trained.
203rd Entry:
The window is divided into 3 separate segments and depicts various events during the 203rd Entry's time at Halton from 1965 to 1967.
At the top is shown the entry badge, an owl holding an ace of spades, with the motto ‘Noote Vexamus’, which loosely translates as; ‘We hunt at night' or 'Night hunters’.
In the centre is the 1812 Battle of Waterloo Cannon ‘borrowed’ from the Army Officer Cadet Training College at Sandhurst on the 17/18th April 1965. It was removed from the main parade ground in the dead of night and transported back to Halton where it was proudly displayed on the Saluting Dais on the main parade ground out side 2 wing. This ‘Entry Stunt’ was reported worldwide and ensured the 203rd became world famous!.
The lower portion of the window is shows ‘Susie’, a Welsh Corgi owned by Peter Musselwhite and given official permission to live in the barrack block. Susie slept in an old suitcase under his bed for the last 6 months of their time at Halton and became the Entry Mascot and was with them at their passing out parade, proudly wearing her Blue (2 wing colour) body warmer with the entry number on. Never before, or has been since an occasion when an apprentice has been allowed to keep a dog at Halton.
204th Entry:
207th Entry:
The 207th Entry window was designed by Mel Williamson and dedicated on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of its passing out parade on 9th August 2008. The window shows the Entry Shield; a composite picture showing elements of the 3 trades, Propulsion, Electrical and Airframe Fitters ( PEAF).
Below the shield is the Entry motif, it depicts a Spitfire using the Roman numerals for 207 - CCVII. The scroll bears the years 1966 - 1968 the two years we spent at Halton as Craft Apprentices.
208th Entry: The window was designed by Clem Ord and incorporates the green and yellow colours and the flying scimitar from the winning design of an Entry shield created by Derek Harper. At the top is shown the entry number with beneath the winged scimitar. The motto ‘Nostris Quis Comparatur’ is shown in the centre, was intended to translate as "None can Compare" however given the Classics was not part of the schools syllabus this is an unqualified interpretation. The lower part of the window shows the dates the Entry were at RAF Halton above the RAF winged eagle and the Apprentice Wheel. The window was made by Karen Newby and was dedicated on the 6th May 2012, 45 years after the 208th arrived at Halton.
210th Entry:
The window is surrounded by the red, yellow and blue of the cap bands and coloured discs behind our wheel and beret badges, worn during our time at Halton. The lower panel denotes the dates when we attested and then graduated, above which is the 210th Entry crest depicting a mailed fist and bearing the motto ‘Socit Tuum’. The motto was derived in part from the then very popular TV programme Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In.
The upper central panel depicts the broad ribbon of the Military Division of the Most Honourable Order of the British Empire, imposed upon which are the neck decoration and star which together comprise the badges of Knighthood awarded to Sir Dusty Miller in January 2007.
The window was designed with the help and guidance of Karen Newby, who went on to produce the finished article. Her husband Brian (then an air commodore but previously NCO aircrew) donned his overalls and scaled the ladder to install the window in St George’s Church.
211th Entry:
216th Entry:
The window celebrates that the 216 entry was spread across all three wings throughout their time at Halton with the background consisting of the wing colours as three vertical bars.
At the top left, is shown the entry number and, from top right, images of the five aircraft, Spitfire, Gladiator, Meteor, Wellington and Comet depicting the five flights. Shown above the Comet are the years the 216th were at Halton, 1969-1971. To the left is the Apprentice Wheel with, below, the 1 SofTT crest .
The 216th were at Halton during the 50th Anniversary year of the Apprentice Scheme in 1970 and this is commemorated at the bottom.
223rd Entry:
At the top the RAF Eagle above the dates of the Entry.
At centre, the Apprentice Wheel behind which is shown a scorpion; a reflection of the 223rd being much reduced in numbers by the time of graduation and therefore were regarded as "Small but Deadly" as proclaimed by the motto beneath.
Shown in the right-hand quadrant of the Wheel are the letters "C", "Y" and "J", a reference to the three blocks - Comet, York and Jaguar in which the entry was billeted during their time at Halton.
225th Entry:
The window represents facets of the 225th entry's time at Halton and features that were used on their entry badge, plus a nod to those no longer with us. (It was created in a modern style by Anna Conti at Leighton Buzzard).
The overall picture is of a Spitfire flying over the British countryside - the defence of which is supposed to be the reason for enlisting, even if it wasn't realised at the time! The entry was formed in Spitfire Flight (3 Wing) before moving up to Oxford Flight (2 Wing) as the number of apprentices was reduced dramatically. The bull crossing the river comes from the coat of arms of Oxford, part of which was used in the entry badge (which the Flt commander - Flt Lt Charles Long, himself an ex-brat - obtained permission to use) and the motto 'Never Again' is incorporated at the bottom corner. Across the centre are six trees (the beech trees of the 1 S of TT), one for each of the entry members known to have died before the dedication of the window. The window is surmounted by the entry number in Roman numerals (again as per the badge) and the dates the 225th were at Halton.