The proposed date of closure of RAF Halton is 2025. In 2021 the RAFHAA Council decided to mark the closure of the Halton Apprentice alma mater with a tribute that would be erected on the same site as a proposed Heritage Centre that would absorb the existing Trenchard Museum and the James McCudden Flight Heritage Centre. Council consulted the membership through Newsletters and after consideration of a few ideas the concept of a large flat plate sculptured bronze emerged. Council decided that the name of the tribute should be Trenchard’s Legacy.
The designer of this proposal is Timothy Potts, a professional sculptor of high repute, please see https://www.timpottssculptor.co.uk/ Interestingly, Tim’s brother-in-law is Tony Jones ex 88th entry.
Tim recommended that the bronze be mounted on a substantial plinth built of bricks matching its final location that could also be used to mount other tributes as and when they were received. Council agreed that the size of the bronze to be around 21ft long and 3ft wide to make an impact. Tim produced several iterations of design that were modified in response to suggestions from members after drawings were posted in Newsletters.
Below is the final design as approved by Council in January 2022. The amount of detail is quite significant. The cost of the bronze is in the order of £110,000 inclusive of VAT and Council will seek membership approval to proceed at a future AGM. Before that, a mock-up as a full-size canvas-print will be on show at the Centennial Reunion in August 2022. At the same time, it is hoped that some fine prints of Trenchard’s Legacy will be available for members to purchase.
